How many cakes did you eat?
How often do you eat cake?
Two buses came at the same time.
I go to school by bus.
You can fill out the form in pen or pencil.
There are several excellent schools in the city.
All children should have the right to go to school.
Indonesia produces excellent coffee.
Three coffees, please.
Our gourmet shop offers a wide variety of flavored coffees.
My neighbors were making so much noise I couldn't sleep.
Shh! I can hear a strange noise coming from the engine.
Conversation requires skill.
I had an interesting conversation with my ex last night.
Does she have enough experience for the job?
I had an unforgettable experience in London.
So many students have difficulty in finding a job these days.
Many difficulties still lie ahead, but I'm confident we'll succeed.
Love is blind. (is で受ける)
A love like this is hard to find.
特定のものを連想できる場合は the
- 不可算名詞 → 何も付与しない (
で受ける) - 可算名詞、複数 → 何も付与しない
- 可算名詞、単数 →
を付与 (is
20 cigarettes is a lot to smoke in a day, don't you think?
20 miles is a long way to run.
Dogs have tails.
Do all animals have noses?
Most players were allowed to bring their wives to the World Cup in South Africa.
All tourists need a visa to enter Bhutan.
一つに定まる場合は the を利用
I just saw a car run a red light. The driver was using his cell phone.
I just saw a dog attack a little kid. The owner did nothing.
70% of the earth's surface is covered by water.
The world is our classroom.
Which way is the restroom.
the White House
the Golden Gate Bridge
(London Bridge (London という固有名詞の影響で the がない))
(Oxford University、Sand Diego Freeway、Shinjuku Station)
the United States of America
the Philippines
the Alps
このようなものは他にはない、一つに定まるくらいに〜だ、と話者が強調する場合 (ズィー、と発音)
The New York Times (ニューヨークタイムズ紙)
The Independent (インディペンデント紙)
The Dorchester (ドーチェスターホテル)
The Ritz (リッツホテル)
John plays the flute and the clarinet.
I love listening to you playing the piano.
The police were quickly on the scene.
Do you prefer the town or the country?
I want to live in a house on the river.
I think you should see the doctor.
If you take the train, I'll pick you up at the station.
I often fall asleep on the bus.
The American husband never complains about his wife.
The British gentleman is hard to find these days.
修飾されているからといって the とは限らない
This is a present that he game me.
She gave me a reason why she left him.
She gave me reasons why she left him.
She gave me the reason why she left him.
She gave me the reasons why she left him.
ぼんやりしているなら some、具体的なイメージがあるならば several
I know some good golf shops.
I know several good golf shops.
ぼやかしたい場合は some + 単数名詞
She ran off with some guy from Italy.
I'm sure I've seen her in some movie or other.
Er ... some guy told me.
all は不可算名詞にも利用できます
The thief tool all the money.
All the spectators were delighted.
All the country was excited about the World Cup.
every/each を their で受けて差別感をなくす
文法的には his/her
で受けるのが自然ですが their
Every child has their own room.
Each member has their own locker.
no + 複数名詞、がふつう
No water is left in the tank. (不可算名詞)
No students are allowed in the staff room. (可算名詞複数形、単数形にすると一つもないことがとても強く強調される)
no を利用した強い否定表現
I'm no doctor, but it's pretty obvious to me that this child is seriously ill.
It's no fun eating alone, is it?
I tell you, this job is no picnic.
モノが二つだけある場合は both と either が便利
You can take both.
You can take either.
You can take neither.
Both apples are rotten.
Either apple is rotten.
Neither apple is rotten.
You can invest in stocks or property, but either way it's risky.
I have a blue sweater and a red one -- you can borrow either.
I listened to his first two CDs, but didn't like either album very much.
Either Tom or Bill is going to make the presentation.
I don't like spinach. -- I don't like it either.
I don't like spinach. -- Neither do I.
It was a deal in which neither side got what it really wanted.
Do you take milk and sugar? -- Neither, thanks.
Who is it?
電話やドアノックされたとき。Who are you?
Who is it?
Facebook is more than twice as big as MySpace. Soon it may be three times as big.
This cake is not half as delicious as it looks.
She is more pretty than beautiful.
Getting a visa is more time-consuming than difficult.
That is no more a Rolex than this plastic toy watch.
He is no more an artist than I am.
You, a detective? Ha! You're no more a detective than my grandmother!
He's no more fit to do this job than a monkey!
I could no more lie to you than fly to the moon.
no less than
You got Chris to pay for a drink? That is no less than a miracle!
A house in that area would cost no less than $500,000.
We have to write a paper of no less than 5000 words.
be able to よりも can を優先して使う
be able to
はできる、ということを強調したいときに使います。それ以外の場合は、may be able to
などの場合を除いて can
Now that I'm able to drive, I feel much more independent.
過去形の場合は、実際にやったことの場合に使います。それ以外は could
The washing machine is OK now. Grandad was able to fix it.
My grandad could fix any kind of machine. (実際にやったかは不明)
to 不定詞と動名詞
(a, an のように) 一般的な内容
To make new friends is not so easy.
(the のように) 特定の状況を連想できる内容
Making new friends is not so easy.
it が指す対象を主語に揃えるために受動文を利用
Our internet marketing company was founded by Tony Brown in 2002.
Since that time, it has produced over 1000 custom web sites.
These batteries charge quickly.
These juice cartons open easily.
Does your new car drive well?
Green peppers don't peel easily.
Our books are selling well.
wh 節、whether 節
What the government decides affects all of us.
When she gets married is her business.
Where she got all that money from is a mystery.
How you treat others will determine how others treat you.
Who my son goes out with doesn't concern me at all.
Why he has so much trouble finding a girlfriend is beyond me.
I don't know whether I can afford to go clubbing this weekend.
He asked me if I wanted to go to Guam with him.
I asked her what she was planning to wear to the wedding.
とりあえず何か返せます。Oh, really?
, Wow!
, Great!
I can give you a ride, if you like.
-- Oh, can you?
I never wear any make-up.
-- Oh, don't you?
I'm a bit drunk.
-- Oh, are you?
I'm playing badminton at 3.
She's flying to Singapore this Friday.
be to による類似表現
At my best friend's wedding, I met the woman who was to become my wife.
仮定法 / 条件
現在 → would
If it weren't for sport, my life would be pretty dull.
過去 → would have
But for your encouragement, I would have given up a long time ago.
If it had not been for the pilots' skill and cool head, the plane would certainly have crashed.
上記決まり文句以外であっても、時制を一つ過去にして同様に現在 → would
、過去 → would have
や could
仮定法 / その他の決まり文句
if only
Oh, if only Bob was/were here.
If only she would give me another chance.
as if
My boyfriend acts as if he was/were my boss.
be to「これから〜する」
Suppose I was/ware to offer you a job here, would you accept?
it's time
It's time we said good-bye.
I wish I had a girlfriend.
used to、ought to は過去時制でもそのままの形で利用
My Granddad boasted he used to walk 10 kilometers to school every day.
My boss said I ought to get up to speed on the latest software.
L + 母音
lemon (小さいル)レモン
light (小さいル)ライト
pencil ベンシゥ
beautiful ビューティフゥ
culture カゥチャー
R + 母音
rain (ゥ)レイン
right (ゥ)ライト
rock (ゥ)ロック
train ト(ゥ)レイン
door ドァ
beer ビァ
dear ディァ
t の後に続く母音にアクセントがない場合
「ラリルレロ」のように t を発音します。
water ワラァ
pattern パラン
Twitter トゥィラァ
top トッ(プ)
big ビッ(グ)
Would you speak up? ウッジュースピーカッ(プ)?
Thanks! サンク(ス)!
Just do it. ジャス(ト)ドゥーイッ(ト)
I read the book. アイ(ゥ)レッ(ド)ザブッ(ク)
Did you talk to Bob? ディッジュートー(ク)トゥーボ(ブ)?
Do you like jazz? ドゥーユゥー(ル)ライ(ク)ジャ(ズ)?
Go to bed. ゴゥトゥーベッ(ド)
I have a jet lag. アイハヴァジェッ(ト)(ル)ラ(グ)
Would you speak up? ウッジュースピーカッ(プ)?
Would ウッ(ド)
Would you ウッジュー
speak スピー(ク)
speak up スピーカッ(プ)
Did you talk to Bob? ディッジュートー(ク)トゥーボ(ブ)?
Did ディ(ド)
Did you ディッジュー
Come on. カム オン → カモン
Let's run away. ラン アウェイ → (ル)レッツ(ゥ)ラナウェイ
有益な情報に対するお礼として、またはコメント欄における質問への返答に対するお礼として、 記事の読者は、執筆者に有料のステッカーを贈ることができます。
さらに詳しく →Feedbacks
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